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 Tytuł: [E39] Indywidualizacja samochodu za pomocą interfejsu ADS/NC
PostNapisane: 21 kwietnia 2009, 22:46 
Naczelny killer

Wiek: 13
Posty: 2183

Walczylem z tym 2 dni wiec aby zaoszczedzic innym szukania zamieszczam ponizej.

W celu wykonania cwiczenie potrzebne nam bedzie interfejs ADS do podlaczenia kompa do naszej Buni + oprogramowanie INPA. Interfejs, ktory posiadam jest w tym watku:

Zakladam ze startujemy w sytuacji kiedy w pelni dziala nam INPA czyli wykrywa akumulator (battery) oraz zaplon (ignition). Szczegoly opisane sa w watku podanym powyzej. Po udanej zabawie INPA przychodzi pora na chec zmian i tutaj bedzie na potrzebne narzedzie, ktore nazywa sie NCS Expert i znajduje sie w Menu Start w tym samym folderze w ktorym jest INPA. Zatem do dziela.

1. Odpalamy NCS Expert (zakladam, ze pakiet INPA mamy zainstalowany w language nie po niemiecku).

2. Wybieramy File -> Load Profil

3. W okienku Choose profile wybieramy Expertmode i klikamy OK.

4. Wybieramy File -> Edit Profil

5. W okienku Passwort eingaben podajemy haslo do profilu: repxet i klikamy OK.

6. W okienku Profile editor klikamy przycisk Individualisierung (lewy dolny rog)

7. W okienku Car Memory zaznaczamy opcje Individualisierung aktiv w sekcji Car/Key Memory i klikamy OK

8. Klikamy przycisk Profile info (prawy dolny rog) w okienku Profile editor

9. W okienku Profile info w polu Profile Name dopisujemy with individualisation tak aby nazwa naszego profilu brzmiala Expertmode with individualisation (tym sposobem bedziemy go mogli latwo odroznic na przyszlosc od oryginalnego profilu expertmode) i klikamy OK

10. W okienku Profile Editior klikamy consistence check - powinno pojawic sie okienko Info z napisem konsistence check OK

11. W okienku Profile Editor klikamy OK

12. Wybieramy File -> Save Profil As i w polu File Name zmieniamy numer profilu na kolejny czyli FZG3.PFL i klikamy OK

13. Wybieramy File -> Load Profil i w okienku Choose profile mamy teraz profil Expertmode with individualisation ktory wybieramy i klikamy ok

14. Bierzemy laptopa pod pache i idzemy do naszej Buni. Podpinamy kabelki, wkladamy kluczyk do stacyjki i przekrecamy na zaplon (nie odpalamy silnika)

15. wybieramy VIN/ZCS/FA (klawisz F1)

16. Wybieramy ZCS/FA f. ECU (Odczytanie danych ZCS/FA z ECU naszej Buni)

17. W okienku Choose CHASIS wybieramy E39 (moj przypadek).

18. W okienku Choose ECU wybieramy EWS i klikamy ok... po chwili wypelnia sie pola FG GM SA i VN

19. Wybieramy opcje Back F6

20. Wybieramy Car Memory (klawisz F5)

21. Pojawi nam sie nastepujace okienko:

22. W tym okienku Mode of operation okresla czy programujemy kluczyk czy samochod (Car Memory/Key Memory 1-4). Moja Bmka nie ma programowania kluczykow wiec nie korzystalem z tego, a zatem ta czesc pomine aby czegos nie namieszac. U mnie bylo tylko Car Memory. Functions to spis funkcji ktore mozemy przeprogramować. Niestety jest on po niemiecku a ponizej zamieszczam tlumaczenie na language (za wreeve z

E39 Car and Key memory programming using NCS Expert in the Edibas package.

AUSSENTEMP_WARNUNG_GONG : External Low Temp Warning Gong
AUT_SITZVERSTELLUNG : Automatic Seat Adjustment (select when unlocked or when driver door opened) linked to key number
AUTO_ZV_DISABLE : disable automatic central locking
BC_KL_R : Interior lighting ON when ignition is switched off after driving with headlights on
DWA-QUITTIERUNG : Anti Theft System Acknowledgement
EINSCHALTMELDUNG_IMMER : Power-up messgage always
ERKENNUNG_SITZBELEGUNG_1 : Recognition seat allocation (don't switch this off otherwise the airbag system gets up-set)
FH_BEIFAHRERTUER_TIPP_AUF : power window Passenger Door Window Down one touch
FH_BEIFAHRERTUER_TIPP_ZU : power window Passenger Door Window Up one touch
FH_FAHRERTUER_TIPP_AUF : power window Driver Door Window Down one touch
FH_FAHRERTUER_TIPP_ZU : power window Driver Door Window Up one touch
FH_TUEREN_HINTEN_TIPP_AUF : doors in rear Window Down one touch
FH_TUEREN_HINTEN_TIPP_ZU : doors in rear Window Up one touch
Fußraumklappen: Floor flaps (IHKA)
HBA_DSC_5_7 :
HECKKLAPPE_ENTSICHERN : Rear Trunk opening from remote key
HEIMLEUCHTEN : Home Shine (Follow me home lights)
INNENLICHT_AN_MEHRFACH_ZV : Interior Light On Several Times central locking
KEY_MEMORY_IHK : Key Memory IHK Module (A/C temperature memory from key number)
KEY_MEMORY_RADIO : Key Memory Radio (Radio channel / volume from key number)
KOMFORTOEFFNUNG_FB : Comfort Opening remote key
KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_FB : Comfort Closing remote key

LAUTSTAERKE_HINTEN : Volume in the Back

NOTSTROMSIRENE : Emergency Power Siren

QUIT_OPT_ENTSCH : optical Acknowledge remote un-locking (two flashes)
QUIT_OPT_SCHAERF : optical Acknowledge remote locking (one flash)

SCHIEBEHEBEDACH_TIPP_AUF : One touch sun-roof open
SCHIEBEHEBEDACH_TIPP_ZU : One touch sun-roof close

SOFT ON/OFF : Soft dim/undim of the interior lights

SPRACHE : Language selection
TAGFAHRLICHT_ECE : Daylight Headlights
TEMPERATUR_EINHEIT : Temperature Unit (C/F)
UMLUFT MEMORY : Circulating Air Flap Memory (remembers if re-circ is on after shutdown)
VERBRAUCH D1 : Consumption units
VERRIEGELN_AUT_AB_X_KMH : Automatic central locking after X KMH
VERRIEGELN_AUT_MACH_2_MIN : Automatic central locking after 2 MIN
VERRIEGELUNGSSCHWELLE : locking Device-swells (threshold) (speed of X above)
WEG_EINHEIT : Distance unit (distance, miles or km)
ZEIT_EINHEIT : Time unit (12H or 24H)
ZUENDSCHLUESSEL_WARNUNG : Ignition key Warning, a really anoying option which beeps if you leave the key in the ignition
ZV_SELEKTIV : central locking selectively (selective unlocking)

Each individual key can also be set to allow selective un-locking and automatic locking after X MPH.

ENTSICHERN_CENTERLOCK : Release central locking
FUNK_INNENRAUMSCHUTZ : Radio interior space monitoring
INNENLICHT_AN_MEHRFACH_ZV: Interior lighst on several times
NEIGUGSGEBER : tilt sensor
STANDRUECKSCHALTUNG : Condition Resetting at standing
TAGFAHRLICHT_ECE: Daylight lights
UMLUFT_MEMORY: recirculating air flaps memory
WISCHERINTERVALL: wiper interval


BELUEFTUNGSKLAPPE_OEFF_1 : Ventilation Flap opening
Fernbedienung : Remote control
FUSSRAUMKLAPPE SCHLIES : Floor air Flaps close
GEBL AUT B ZUEND EIN : blower automatic at ignition on
GEBLAESEBALKEN AUT MOD : Blower Bar Automatic Mode
KLIMABETR BEI ZUEND EIN : airconditioning at ignition on
TAKTEN HIGH LOW ANZEIGE : Clocks High Low Announcement

W sekcji parameter mamy stan danego parametru czyli aktiv i nich aktiv. Literka S oznacza nam ustawienie seryjne a literka I ustawienie indywidualne.

23. Zanim zaczniemy zmieniac ustawienia nalezy wybraz Read czyli F1. Przyciski sie wyszarza na kilkanascie/kilkadziesiat sekund a z samochodu zostana sczytane nasze aktualne ustawienia. Kiedy przyciski znow beda czarne mozemy zaczac dlubac. I tak wybieramy funkcje w srodkowym okienku nastepnie zaznaczamy pozadana opcje w okienku prawym i wciskamy F2 take over. nazwa funkcji do zaprogramowania wraz z porzadanym stanem pojawia sie w okienku na dole. Jezeli chcemy usunac funkcje (nie zmieniac jej stanu) najezdzamy na nia w okienku dolnym i klikamy F3 Delete. Kiedy zmienimy juz co chcemy wciskamy F4 Broadcast i po chwili zobaczymy okienko potwierdzajace ustawienie parametrow. Voila! :) Odlaczamy kompa i testujemy czy jest tak jak chcielismy.

PS. Jezeli zmieniamy ustawienia swiatel wowczas przy programowaniu (opcja broadcast) zaczna nam mrugac swiatla i podswietlenia przyciskow w srodku. U mnie tak bylo. Programowanie sie udalo wiec bez paniki.

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 29 lipca 2009, 22:24 
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Wiek: 37
Posty: 249
Lokalizacja: okolice Torunia
Moje BMW: e39 528i
Kod silnika: m52tu b28
witam, która z tych opcji jest odpowiedzialna za automatyczne załączanie świateł dziennych lub mijania, modyfikacji dokonuje się w module lcm, ews, egs bo jak kompa podpinam to wyskakuje mi tych modułów ok 15

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PostNapisane: 22 sierpnia 2009, 13:03 
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Posty: 200
Lokalizacja: BiaÂłogard
adam-bmw, to chyba nie ma znaczenia, możesz wejść w EWS, ja tam robiłem i śmiga.


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PostNapisane: 22 sierpnia 2009, 20:44 
Przyjaciel forum
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Wiek: 33
Posty: 4671
Lokalizacja: Radom
Moje BMW: 3288888888
Panowie pytanie moze troche bez sensu, ale czy jest mozliwosc ustawic lusterka tak zeby sie skladaly po zamknieciu samochodu i po otwarciu rozkladaly?? :niepewny:


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PostNapisane: 23 sierpnia 2009, 18:49 
Częsty bywalec
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Posty: 931
Lokalizacja: Gdansk/Frankfurt (M)
Moje BMW: e39 530dA '02
Kod silnika: M57d30
Garaż: E32 730iA, e39 530dA, e39 540iA
NorbiRadom napisał(a):
Panowie pytanie moze troche bez sensu, ale czy jest mozliwosc ustawic lusterka tak zeby sie skladaly po zamknieciu samochodu i po otwarciu rozkladaly?? :niepewny:


mnie interesuje to samo. W piatek bylem u Adama w Osowej i prosilem o to samo. Stwierdzil ze sie nie da. Byc moze nie wiedzial jak... Nie wiem.

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PostNapisane: 25 sierpnia 2009, 15:51 
Przyjaciel forum
Avatar użytkownika

Wiek: 33
Posty: 4671
Lokalizacja: Radom
Moje BMW: 3288888888
Szamil, A Ja gdzies kiedys czytalem wlasnie ze da rade :niepewny:


 Zobacz profil Wyślij e-mail  
PostNapisane: 25 sierpnia 2009, 18:22 
Częsty bywalec
Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 931
Lokalizacja: Gdansk/Frankfurt (M)
Moje BMW: e39 530dA '02
Kod silnika: M57d30
Garaż: E32 730iA, e39 530dA, e39 540iA
Slyszalem tez kiedys cos takiego tylko ze w e46. Jakby sie dalo to fajna sprawa by byla.

 Zobacz profil Wyślij e-mail  
PostNapisane: 26 sierpnia 2009, 08:44 
Przyjaciel forum
Avatar użytkownika

Wiek: 33
Posty: 4671
Lokalizacja: Radom
Moje BMW: 3288888888
Ale widze zi nikt o tym nic nie wie :niepewny:


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PostNapisane: 27 sierpnia 2009, 17:56 
Naczelny killer

Wiek: 13
Posty: 2183

Tym razem dokladny opis co sie da i w jakim modelu (do roku 2004). Niestety w language ale zawsze cos. Jezeli dla kogos jest to nieczytelne mam to samo w pdf dokladnie sformatowane:

Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46, E52, E53, R50, R52 and R53 from start of
series production
1 Car Memory
1.1 Anti-theft system
1.2 Central locking system
1.3 Power windows / sliding/tilt sunroof
1.4 Lighting
1.5 Windscreen wipers
1.6 Cruise control
1.7 Acoustic warnings
1.8 Heating / air conditioning / ventilation
1.9 Seat/mirror memory
1.10 Displays / language
1.11 Audio / video
1.12 Park Distance Control
2 Key Memory
2.1 Central locking system
2.2 Heating / air conditioning / ventilation
The following overview contains all Car & Key Memory functions that can currently be programmed for series E38,
E39 vehicles from 09/98 and series E46, E52 and E53 vehicles from start of series production.
Only Car Memory functions are available for R50/R52/R53 vehicles.
Functions which do not state a specific model series in the brief description are available for all vehicles capable of
Car & Key Memory.
Due to varying legal stipulations, there are national differences in possible settings. Vehicles with the same
equipment but of a different national variant may have a different range of possible settings. Moreover, the specific
requirements of vehicle insurance companies in different markets and legal stipulations must be taken into account
when making settings.
Factory settings also vary from country to country.
The vehicle is programmed at the factory in accordance with the central encoding code (ZCS) / vehicle order (VO).
1.1 Car Memory - Anti-theft system
Interior movement detector
o active
o not active
The interior movement detector monitoring function can
be permanently deactivated. This may be advisable if
animals frequently remain in the vehicle.
Note insurance requirements!
E46, E52 - not E38, E39, E53
Tilt alarm sensor
o active
o not active
The tilt alarm sensor monitoring function can be
permanently deactivated. This function may be advisable
if the vehicle is frequently parked in a duplex garage.
Note insurance requirements!
E46, E52 - not E38, E39, E53
o remote control
o locks and remote control
It is only possible to activate/deactivate the anti-theft
alarm system with the remote control or with the remote
control and the locks.
Note insurance requirements in GB, B, NL, F, I -
deactivation only approved via remote control.
Not R50, R52, R53
IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46, E52, E53, R50, BMW AG - TIS 27.08.2009 18:47
Issue status (02/2004) Valid only until next CD is issued Copyright Page - 1 -
Deactivation, optical
o active
o not active
The deactivation of the anti-theft alarm system is
confirmed by the hazard warning lights flashing briefly.
Deactivation, acoustic
o active
o not active
The deactivation of the anti-theft alarm system is
confirmed by a siren sounding briefly.
Only permissible on US vehicles.
Activation, optical
o active
o not active
The activation of the anti-theft alarm system is confirmed
by the hazard warning lights flashing briefly.
Not R50, R52, R53
Activation, acoustic
o active
o not active
The activation of the anti-theft alarm system is confirmed
by a siren sounding briefly.
Only approved for US vehicles.
Activation, optical, doors/hatches closed
o active
o not active
Activation of the anti-theft alarm system is confirmed by a
brief flashing of the hazard warning lights as soon as all
doors/hatches are closed.
E46, E52 - not E38, E39, E53, R50, R52, R53
Activation, acoustic, doors/hatches closed
o active
o not active
Activation of the anti-theft alarm system is confirmed by a
brief siren signal as soon as all doors/hatches are closed.
Only permitted on US vehicles.
E46, E52 - not E38, E39, E53, R50, R52, R53
Confirmation without anti-theft alarm system
o active
o not active
If "active" is selected, the locking or unlocking of the
central locking system of a vehicle without anti-theft
alarm system is verified with an optical or acoustic signal.
The optical or acoustic signal is dependent on the
respective national version.
This setting is effective when the vehicle is locked or
unlocked either at the lock or with the remote control.
E38, E39 from 09/99, E46, E53 - not E52, R50, R52, R53
Please note:
On E46 vehicles, the fault memory entry "07
Anti-theft alarm system" is stored in the basic
1.2 Car Memory - Central locking system
Interior lighting, remote control
o active
o not active
The interior lighting is switched on if the car is locked and
the lock button on the key is pressed.
If the vehicle is locked a second time within about 15
seconds, the radio interior movement detector and tilt
alarm sensor are deactivated.
Not R50, R52, R53
Unlock rear window from the inside
o active
IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46, E52, E53, R50, BMW AG - TIS 27.08.2009 18:47
Issue status (02/2004) Valid only until next CD is issued Copyright Page - 2 -
o not active
If the setting "active" is selected, the rear window is
unlocked via a switch in the (driver's side) footwell. If the
setting "not active" is selected, the rear lid is unlocked.
E46 Touring
Remote control, panic mode
o active
o not active
Prolonged pressing of the rear lid release button on the
key with the anti-theft alarm system activated will trigger
the alarm in panic mode.
Not R50, R52, R53
Open luggage compartment via remote control
o if unlocked
o always
Open the luggage compartment by pressing and holding
the unlock button.
E46, E52 - not E38, E39, E53, R50, R52, R53
Remote control opening mode
o unlock luggage compartment
o convenient opening
o not active
The rear lid can be unlocked, the windows opened, or no
function can be set. Operate by remote control with a
long press of the unlock button on the key.
R50, R52, R53
Relock 2 minutes after unlocking if doors are not
o active
o not active
The vehicle will automatically lock again approx. 2
minutes after a single inadvertent unlocking (when no
door or hatch was opened afterwards).
E38 and E39 from 09/99, E46, E52, E53, R50, R52, R53
Automatic lock after pulling away
o active
o not active
The vehicle is automatically locked after pulling away.
Doors can be unlocked at any time from the inside. This
setting is effective when the doors are mechanically
opened at the lock.
For setting to be effective for key with remote control,
please refer to 2.1 Key Memory - Central locking system.
Automatic unlocking after engine switch-off
o active
o not active
After switching off the engine, the vehicle is automatically
unlocked R50, R52, R53.
Central locking button, when vehicle is locked
o active
o not active
When the vehicle is locked, the driver's and front
passenger-side doors can be unlocked from the inside by
pressing the central locking button. The doors can only
be opened from the inside. The vehicle must first be
unlocked with the key before it can be locked. Here, it
makes no difference whether unlocking is carried out
manually or via remote control.
If fitted, the anti-theft alarm will be triggered on opening.
E46, E52 - not E38, E39, E53, R50, R52, R53
Selective central locking system
o active
o not active
The first time the vehicle is unlocked, only the driver's
door is unlocked. The remaining doors are not unlocked
until the vehicle is unlocked a second time. This function
only applies to manual unlocking via the lock.
For settings available using the key with remote control,
see 2.1 Key Memory - central locking system.
E38, E39, E46, E53, R50, R52, R53 - not E52
Easy Entry
Selective central locking
o active
o not active
The Easy Entry facility can be set to active or not active.
This setting is effective when the vehicle is unlocked
manually via the lock.
For the setting to be effective using a key with remote
control, please refer to 2.1 Key Memory - Central locking
Only E46 CoupĂŠ with basic module up to software
IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46, E52, E53, R50, BMW AG - TIS 27.08.2009 18:47
Issue status (02/2004) Valid only until next CD is issued Copyright Page - 3 -
o Easy Entry
o selective central locking system
o not active
Easy Entry facility or selective central locking system can
be selected. Similarly, both functions can be deactivated.
This setting is effective when the vehicle is unlocked
manually via the lock.
For setting to be effective for key with remote control,
please refer to 2.1 Key Memory - Central locking system.
Only E46 CoupĂŠ and R50/R52/R53
Please note:
The selection of the setting "Easy Entry" is only
possible for the E46 CoupĂŠ with basic module
software version SW1.5 or higher.
Easy Entry - steering wheel vertical adjustment
o active
o not active
The Easy Entry facility's automatic movement of the
steering wheel to the upper stop can be set to active or
not active.
Easy Entry - steering wheel longitudinal adjustment
o active
o not active
The Easy Entry facility's automatic movement of the
steering wheel to the front stop (toward the instrument
panel) can be set to active or not active
Close rear lid with remote control function
o active
o not active
The function to automatically close the rear lid with the
remote control can be set to active or not active
E39 Touring
1.3 Car Memory - Power windows / sliding/tilt sunroof
Convenient closing, remote control
o active
o not active
Windows and sliding/tilting sunroof can be closed by
pressing the lock button on the key with remote control -
apply constant pressure to the "Lock" button.
E38, E39, E46, E53 - not E46 Convertible, E52, R50,
R52, R53
Convenient opening, remote control
o active
o not active
Windows and sliding/tilting sunroof can be opened by
pressing the unlock button on the key with remote control
- apply constant pressure to the "Unlock" button.
E38, E39, E46, E53 - not E46 Convertible, E52, R50,
R52, R53
Convenient opening, remote control, without hinged
o active
o not active
When this setting is active, the hinged windows are not
opened when convenient opening is effected with the
remote control. This depends upon the "Remote control
convenient opening" setting being active.
E46 CoupĂŠ with basic module from software version
Convenient opening lock
o active
o not active
The windows can be opened by operation of the door
lock - hold the key in the opening position.
Not R50/R52/R53
Disable for
o open door
o close door
When "Open door" is selected, the power windows are
deactivated if terminal R is "off" and the front door is
When "Close door" is selected, the power windows are
deactivated if terminal R is "off" and if, on closing the
front doors, at least one door was open.
E38, E39, E53 - not E46, E52, R50, R52, R53
Close driver's door window, one-touch function
o active
IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46, E52, E53, R50, BMW AG - TIS 27.08.2009 18:47
Issue status (02/2004) Valid only until next CD is issued Copyright Page - 4 -
o not active
The driver's door window can be closed by
pulling/pressing the button beyond the trip point. Use is
made of the toll function.
Not R50, R52, R53
Open driver's door window, one-touch function
o active
o not active
The driver's door window can be opened by pressing the
button beyond the trip point. Use is made of the toll
Not R50, R52, R53
Close passenger door window, one-touch function
o active
o not active
The passenger door window can be closed by
pulling/pressing the button beyond the trip point. Use is
made of the one-touch control function.
E38, E39, E46, E53 - not E46 Convertible, E52, R50,
R52, R53
Open passenger door window, one-touch function
o active
o not active
The passenger door window can be opened by pressing
the button beyond the trip point. Use is made of the toll
Not R50, R52, R53
Close rear windows, one-touch function
o active
o not active
The rear windows can be closed by pulling/pressing the
button beyond the trip point. Use is made of the onetouch
control function.
E38, E39, E46, E53 - not E46 CoupĂŠ, Convertible, E52,
R50, R52, R53
Open rear windows, one-touch function
o active
o not active
The rear windows can be opened by pressing the button
beyond the trip point.
Not R50, R52, R53
Close sliding/tilt sunroof, one-touch function
o active
o not active
The sliding/tilt sunroof can be closed by pressing the
button to the front. Use is made of the one-touch control
Open sliding/tilt sunroof, one-touch function
o active
o not active
The sliding/tilt sunroof can be opened by pressing the
button to the back. Use is made of the toll function.
Raise sliding/tilt sunroof, one-touch function
o active
o not active
The sliding/tilt sunroof can be raised by pressing the
button upwards. Use is made of the one-touch control
E38, E46, R50, R52, R53 - not E39, E53
Open the windows by briefly pressing the central
o active
o not active
The windows can be opened by pressing the central
switch beyond the trip point.
E46 Convertible, E52
1.4 Car Memory - Lighting
Interior lighting
ON when unlocking
o active
o not active
The interior lighting is switched on when manual
unlocking is used.
E46, E52 - not E38, E39, E53, R50, R52, R53
Interior lighting
ON when terminal R is "off", light previously "on"
o active
The interior lighting is only switched on when terminal R
is "off" after driving with lights on.
E46, E52 - not E38, E39, E53, R50, R52, R53
IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46, E52, E53, R50, BMW AG - TIS 27.08.2009 18:47
Issue status (02/2004) Valid only until next CD is issued Copyright Page - 5 -
Interior lighting
o active
o not active
Dimmed interior lighting is switched on and off.
Not R50, R52, R53
Exterior lighting
Daytime driving lights
o active
o not active
The daytime driving lights are switched on as soon as the
ignition is switched on and the light switch is turned to
"position 2".
Note country-specific differences!
Exterior lighting
Follow-me-home lights
o active
o not active
If terminal R is "off", the driving lights are switched on for
the period of time selected when the headlight flasher is
pulled. The following settings are possible: not active,
40s, 90s, 150s and 240s.
(E38, E39, E46, E52, E53, R50, R52, R53).
For how to activate the function on R50, R53 vehicles,
please refer to the Owner's Handbook.
1.5 Car Memory - Windscreen wipers
Rain sensor
o active
o not active
The rain sensor can be deactivated.
E46 - not E38, E39, E52, E53, R50, R52, R53
Switch down when stationary
o active
o not active
The system switches from speed 1 to intermittent
operation or from speed 2 to speed 1 when the vehicle is
Rain-light sensor
o sensitive
o less sensitive
The response of the rain-light sensor can be adjusted to
be sensitive or less sensitive.
E39, E46, E53, not R50, R52, R53
1.6 Car Memory - Cruise control
o active
o not active
The cruise control can be activated either via a switch on
the instrument mount or via the button on the multifunction
steering wheel.
E38, E39 with switch on instrument mount
Active Cruise Control (ACC) desired speed
o current
o rounded
If the setting "current" is selected, the current speed is
adopted as the desired speed the first time the ACC is
activated with the set/accelerate button. The display is
made with the next-higher LED. If the setting "rounded" is
selected, the speed of the vehicle when the ACC is
activated is rounded up to the next multiple of 10 km/h or
5 mph and adopted as the desired speed.
E38 with ACC
1.7 Car Memory - Acoustic warnings
Ignition key
o active
o not active
If the ignition key is still in the ignition lock when the
driver's door is open, an acoustic signal will sound.
This function is advisable if children are occasionally left
in the vehicle who are able to play with the ignition key.
Fuel tank warning
o active
IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46, E52, E53, R50, BMW AG - TIS 27.08.2009 18:47
Issue status (02/2004) Valid only until next CD is issued Copyright Page - 6 -
o not active
If the fuel tank reserve indicator lamp lights up, an
acoustic signal sounds.
R50, R52/R53 only
1.8 Car Memory - Heating / air conditioning / ventilation
Key selective
o active
o not active
The Key Memory can be activated or deactivated for the
air-conditioning system. Using the "active" setting,
temperature and blower settings, and air conditioning
functions (AUC, air recirculation, flaps, defrost) are stored
for each key individually.
E39, E53 - not E38, E46, E52, R50, R52, R53
Air recirculation flaps memory
o active
o not active
Air recirculation is retained after restarting the engine.
The function is not dependent on the key used.
E38, E39, E46, E53 - not E52, R50, R52, R53
Cooling output
o normal
o hot country
The air conditioner control can be set to normal or as per
hot country variant. If the hot country setting is selected,
more cooling output is available due to appropriate
blower output and flap control.
E38, E39, E46 - not E52, E53, R50, R52, R53
Automatic heated rear window
o active
o not active
The function to automatically switch the heated rear
window on at an ambient temperature of less than 3.5
degrees Celsius can be set to active or not active.
1.9 Car Memory - Seat/mirror memory
Seat position
o when car is unlocked
o when door is opened
o not active
The seat is moved to the stored position when the vehicle
is unlocked using the key with remote control or after the
driver's door is opened. A key-specific seat adjustment is
not possible if "not active" is selected.
On E38, E39 and E53 vehicles, not only the seat but also
the mirrors and the steering column (if the latter can be
electrically adjusted) change their positions.
On E46 vehicles, the mirrors are adjusted on vehicles
from production period 09/99 (Model Year 00).
Please note:
Seat positioning is interrupted by pressing the
lock button on the key with remote control.
E38, E39, E46, E53 - not E52, R50, R52, R53
Mirror memory - Automatic parking function
o active
o not active
IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46, E52, E53, R50, BMW AG - TIS 27.08.2009 18:47
Issue status (02/2004) Valid only until next CD is issued Copyright Page - 7 -
The position of the passenger-side exterior mirror for the
automatic parking function can be stored for each key
If "active" is selected and the mirror adjustment switch
set to "passenger-side mirror", the passenger-side mirror
will automatically be moved to the key-specific position
when reverse gear is engaged.
If "active" is selected and the mirror adjustment switch
set to "driver's-side mirror", the automatic parking
function is deactivated.
If "not active" is selected and the mirror adjustment
switch set to "driver's-side mirror", the passenger-side
mirror is automatically adjusted to the lowest possible
position when reverse gear is engaged.
If "not active" is selected and the mirror adjustment
switch set to "passenger-side mirror", the automatic
parking function is deactivated.
E46 from 09/99
Exterior mirror automatic parking function with LIN
o active
o not active
A LIN bus is installed on the E46 from 03/03. When the
system is "active" and the mirror-adjustment switch is
moved to the "passenger-side mirror" position, the mirror
on the passenger's side is lowered when reverse gear is
engaged. To enable a key-specific setting to be made,
the function "Folding mirror down" must also be
E46 only
Exterior mirror automatic parking function memory
with LIN connection
o active
o not active
A LIN bus is installed on the E46 from 03/03. When the
system is "active", different key-specific angles for folding
down can be set for the automatic parking function.
E46 only
Automatic mirror adjustment
o active
o not active
A LIN bus is installed on the E46 from 03/03. When the
system is "active", the mirrors are automatically set
according to the key used when the vehicle is unlocked
with the radio remote control. This function must be set
separately from the automatic seat adjustment.
E46 only
1.10 Car Memory - Displays / language
Fuel consumption
o litres/100 km
o mpg (UK)
o mpg (US)
o km/litre
After setting the following functions, the clock must be
reset to the correct time.
Fuel consumption can be displayed in the given units.
E38, E39, E46, E53, R50, R52, R53 without on-board
monitor - not E52
o km
o miles
Distance covered can be indicated in the units given.
E38, E39, E46, E52, E53 without on-board monitor
R50, R52, R53
o 12 h
o 24 h
The clock can be set in the given modes.
E38, E39, E46, E53, R50, R52, R53 without on-board
monitor - not E52
IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46, E52, E53, R50, BMW AG - TIS 27.08.2009 18:47
Issue status (02/2004) Valid only until next CD is issued Copyright Page - 8 -
o degrees F
The ambient temperature can be displayed in the given
E38, E39, E46, E53, R50, R52, R53 without on-board
monitor - not E52
Text display
o German
o English
o Italian
o Spanish
o Japanese
o French
o Gulf states
The display texts can be displayed in the given
E38, E39, E53 without on-board monitor - not E46, E52,
R50, R52, R53
Basic settings
Temporary ice warning
o active
o not active
The ice warning can be set to active or not active.
Active: If the ambient temperature drops below about + 3
C, the acoustic ice warning sounds and the ambient
temperature display flashes for a few seconds. The
display then reverts to the previous display unit.
Not active: If the ambient temperature drops below about
+ 3C, the acoustic ice warning sounds. The outside
temperature is then permanently displayed. By pressing
the steering column switch a different display unit is
E46 with instrument cluster from software version SW11 -
R50, R52, R53, not E38, E39, E52, E53
1.11 Car Memory - Audio / video
Basic telephone interface - mobile phone type
o Nokia 3110
o Siemens S10
Mobile phone type can be changed in the case of a
conversion or retrofit.
E46 - not E38, E39, E52, E53, R50, R52, R53
Please note:
The mobile phone type must be set when
retrofitting the basic telephone interface with
"Encoding ZCS - Retrofit".
New generation radio - key selective
o active
o not active
The Key Memory can be activated or deactivated for the
radio. With the "active" setting, the sound, the last audio
source selected (radio, cassette, CD) and the last radio
station tuned are stored for each key individually.
E39, E46, E53 with New Generation Radio - not E38,
E52, R50, R52, R53
o 30 km/h
o 48 km/h
o 56 km/h
Speed threshold for raising volume.
E46 US only
1.12 Car Memory - Park Distance Control
Signal volume, rear
o level 1 (quiet)
o Level 2
IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46, E52, E53, R50, BMW AG - TIS 27.08.2009 18:47
Issue status (02/2004) Valid only until next CD is issued Copyright Page - 9 -
o level 5
o level 6 (loud)
The volume of the acoustic signal can be adjusted.
Volume at level 1: quiet
Volume at level 6: loud
E38 and E39 from 09/99, E53, R50, R52, R53 - not E46,
Rear activation confirmation
o active
o not active
An acoustic signal sounds when reverse gear is engaged
(PDC activation).
E39, E46, R50, R52, R53 - not E38, E52, E53
2.1 Key Memory - Central locking system
Automatic lock after pulling away
o active
o not active
The vehicle is automatically locked when it pulls away. It
is still possible to open it from the inside. This function is
effective when the doors are opened using the remote
For the setting to be effective using a key at the lock,
please refer to 1.2 Car Memory - Central locking system.
Radio unlocking
o rear window
o rear lid
Open the rear lid or rear window with remote control by
pressing the button on the key.
E46 Touring
Selective central locking system
o active
o not active
The first time the button on the key is pressed, only the
driver's door is unlocked. If it is pressed a second time,
the whole car is opened. This function is only effective
when the remote control is used.
For the setting to be effective using a key at the lock,
please refer to 1.2 Car Memory - Central locking system.
E38, E39, E46, E53 - not E52, R50, R52, R53
Easy Entry
o active
o not active
The Easy Entry facility can be set to active or not active.
This setting is effective when the vehicle is unlocked
with the remote control.
For the setting to be effective using a key at the lock, see
section 1.2 Key Memory - Central locking system.
Only E46 CoupĂŠ with general module up to software
version SW1.4
Easy Entry / selective central locking
o Easy Entry
o selective central locking system
o not active
Easy Entry or selective central locking can be selected.
Similarly, both functions can be deactivated. This setting
is effective when the vehicle is unlocked with the
remote control.
For the setting to be effective using a key at the lock, see
section 1.2 Car Memory - Central locking system.
Only E46 CoupĂŠ
Please note:
The selection of the setting "Easy Entry" is only
possible for the E46 CoupĂŠ with basic module
software version SW1.5 or higher.
2.2 Key Memory - Heating / air conditioning / ventilation
Setting blower speed
In automatic operation, the normal blower output can be
increased or decreased
IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46, E52, E53, R50, BMW AG - TIS 27.08.2009 18:47
Issue status (02/2004) Valid only until next CD is issued Copyright Page - 10 -
Air conditioning auto mode
o active
o not active
When this function is active, air-conditioning automatic
mode is started when the ignition is switched on.
E46 only
Vent flaps
Ventilation open in warming-up phase
o yes
o no
During the warming-up phase, the ventilation flaps are
open or closed.
E46 - not E38, E39, E52, E53, R50, R52, R53
Vent flaps
After terminal 15 "ON"
o yes
o no
Manual control of the ventilation flaps using the 3 buttons
on the air conditioning control panel can be activated
directly by switching on the ignition.
E46 - not E38, E39, E52, E53, R50, R52, R53
Vent flaps
Correction of specified temperature
o + 3 degrees
o + 2 degrees
o + 1 degree
o not active
o - 1 degree
o - 2 degrees
o - 3 degrees
The set temperature in the display can be corrected
E46 - not E38, E39, E52, E53, R50, R52, R53
Vent flaps
Air conditioner ON
o if ignition on
o with button only
The air conditioning system will start operating when the
ignition is switched on or only by pressing the button on
the air conditioning control panel.
E46 - not E38, E39, E52, E53, R50, R52, R53
Vent flaps
Automatic blower
o active
o not active
The automatic blower will start operating when the
ignition is switched on or only by pressing the button on
the air conditioning control panel.
E46 - not E38, E39, E52, E53, R50, R52, R53
IDC Car & Key Memory functions for series E38, E39 (from 09/98), E46, E52, E53, R50,

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PostNapisane: 16 września 2009, 15:58 
Poszukaj zanim zapytasz

Posty: 1
Lokalizacja: NP20 1QQ
tu jest to w pdf

Odnośnie powyższego mam pytanie - czy wie ktoś, gdzie i jak zrobić, aby w mojej e46 2000r naprawić mały bład zrobiony carsoftem. Dokładnie chodzi o to, że w carsofcie w funkcjach specjalnych jest - coding - vehicle coding e46, a potem zaznaczyłem opcje w Power Locking - tak aby zamykał zamki po rozpoczęciu jazdy oraz drugą opcje selektywnego zamykania, po tym - Write Coding Data.
Program pomielił i zrobił mi takiego psikusa, że ustawił uchylanie okien podczas otwierania drzwi, tak jak to ma miejsce w modelu coupe, gdzie nie ma w drzwiach górnych ramek szyb. Nic pozatym sie nie zmieniło. Zmienić jedynie mogę km-mil, 24/12h, C/F, i Consuming - te opcje działaja prawidłowo.

Ale skąd on wziął te uchylane szyby to nie wiem :(

Chciałbym to naprawić ncs-em, bo myślę że sie da, tylko jak nazywa się ta opcja z uchylaniem szyb przy otwieraniu drzwi? i gdzie to znaleźć?

Może ktoś coś poradzi?

/czy to może chodzi o opcje Easy Entry?

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PostNapisane: 21 września 2009, 19:29 
Uzależniony od forum :)
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przetłumaczyłby ktoś :cool:

e91 320d hihi
e60 530d wrrr, ahh ohh - [*]
Moja była megafajna 118d
Moja była gruba 330cd
Moja była niebylejaka 530d

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PostNapisane: 10 października 2009, 17:35 
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Kod silnika: M70B50
Napewno idze zrobic tak ze lusterka składaja sie przy zamykaniu auta i rozkładaja przy otwieraniu. Widziałem tak jak naprawiałem M5 e39 i nawet było tak ze tym pilotem co ja miałem to nie działało to a 2 pilotem co posługiwał sie właściciel działo takie cuda :hyhy:

Zobacz Czorna Beemmee

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PostNapisane: 12 października 2009, 15:58 
Poszukaj zanim zapytasz

Posty: 4
Lokalizacja: Kolonia
dziekuje bardzo Condor za opis.
Niestety nie chodzi u mnie w E61 :(
Do punktu 17 wszystko ok.
Punkt 18 nie wyswietla mi EWS tylko sa 2 inne opcje.
Obojetne co wybiore pokazuje mi plad po nacisnieciu Car Memory:

Individualiesierung nicht mĂśglich

FswPsw.TRC sie wypelnil informacjami (czyli musi byc ok)

Czy mial ktoc cos takiego?
Pozdrawiam i dziekuje za odpowiedz

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PostNapisane: 22 października 2009, 20:29 
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Lokalizacja: Września
Moje BMW: E60
Kod silnika: M54b25
Garaż: Днепр
Po wizycie u elektryka podczas otwierania samochodu kluczykiem, fotel mi jedzie do miejsca zaprogramowanego w pamięci i przypisanego do tego klucza. Problem w tym, że wcześniej tak nie miałem, a mam tylko jeden kluczyk, autem jeździ też moja żona... Wiesz Condor, co tam muszę przestawić, żeby fotel zostawał nieruchomo podczas otwierania samochodu?
AUT_SITZVERSTELLUNG : Automatic Seat Adjustment (select when unlocked or when driver door opened) linked to key number - chyba znalazłem, to jest to, prawda?
No ale jak post już napisałem, to co to jest komfortowe otwieranie i komfortowe zamykanie auta?
KOMFORTOEFFNUNG_FB : Comfort Opening remote key
KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_FB : Comfort Closing remote key

Audi80 '90 1.6 2EE (X2004 - IV2008)
AudiA4 '95 2.8 AAH quattro (IV2008 - VII2009)
530d avant (IX2009 - X2010)530d
E38 740i (I 2011 - XII2017)

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PostNapisane: 25 października 2009, 02:01 
Naczelny killer

Wiek: 13
Posty: 2183
Moge sie mylic ale tu chyba chodzi o domykanie szyb i dachu jak przytrzymasz przekrecony zamek w drzwiach lub przycisk zamykania w pilocie i odpowiednio otwieranie jak to zrobisz na odwrot.

Nie pamietam juz tego bo przestawialem to w poprzedniej Becie a w nowej mialem juz to ustawione wiec nie ruszalem.

Nie wazne czym jezdzisz... moje E39 i tak jest szybsze! :P
Bastard Moderator From Hell!!! :evil: LPG:Obrazek

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 Tytuł: Re: [E39] Indywidualizacja samochodu za pomocą interfejsu ADS/NC
PostNapisane: 21 stycznia 2010, 20:41 
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Moje BMW: e39 530d
Kod silnika: M57D30
Condor, duże podziękowania i browar za opis, bardzo mi się przydał, mam do Ciebie jako posiadacza e39 dwa pytania, czy próbowałeś u siebie ustawić automatyczne włączanie świateł po uruchomieniu silnika, oraz czy testowałeś automatyczne składanie/rozkładanie lusterek? Jeśli nie to czy wiesz, które funkcje mogą za to odpowiadać, wiem że jest taka możliwość bo dzwoniłem do dwóch warsztatów i powiedzieli że mogą to zrobić.


Kupię deskę w skórze.

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 Tytuł: Re: [E39] Indywidualizacja samochodu za pomocą interfejsu ADS/NC
PostNapisane: 22 stycznia 2010, 12:15 
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Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz
Moje BMW: E46, Sedan
Kod silnika: M47
Jeśli chodzi o składnie lusterek to jest opisane na niemieckim forum. Jakby ktoś czaił ten język to mógłby zerknąć tu: ... paket.html

Na forum z powyższego linka wymienione zostały wszystkie wpisy, które odpowiadają za lusterka, tylko nie wiem który odpowiada za co (mogę się jedynie domyślać):










Ja mam podgrzewane lusterka, składane przyciskiem, bez pamięci i takie wpisy:











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 Tytuł: Re: [E39] Indywidualizacja samochodu za pomocą interfejsu ADS/NC
PostNapisane: 22 stycznia 2010, 14:16 
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Wiek: 54
Posty: 21
Lokalizacja: Mendig(D) / Opole(PL)
Moje BMW: e39 525d 196KM CR
Kod silnika: m57d25
tlumaczenie z niemieckiego

ABKLAPPWERT wartosc rozlkadania (lusterek)
wert_01 wartosc 01
wert_02 wartosc 02

AUT_SPIEGELVERSTELLUNG Automatyczne ustawianie lusterek
aktiv aktywne
nicht_aktiv nie aktywne

BEIKLAPPEN_B_KOMFORTSCHL skladanie przy zamykaniu komf. drzwi
aktiv aktywne
nicht_aktiv nie aktywne

linkslenker kierownica po lewej
rechtslenker kierownica po prawej

MEMORY_SPIEGELABKLAPPEN memory rozkladanie lusterek
aktiv aktywne
nicht_aktiv nie aktywne

SITZMEMORY_VERBAUT memory-elekt. ustawianie foteli zabudowane
aktiv aktywne
nicht_aktiv nie aktywne

SPIEGELABKLAPPEN rozkladanie lusterek
aktiv aktywne
nicht_aktiv nie aktywne

SPIEGELHEIZUNG podgrzewanie lusterek
kl_15 stale
getaktet taktowe

SPIEGELHEIZUNG_VERBAUT podgrzewanie lusterek zabudowane
aktiv aktywne
nicht_aktiv nie aktywne

V_VAR_SPERRE_BEIKLAPPEN blokada skladanie lust. (o co chodzi V_VAR )
wert_01 wartosc 01

 Zobacz profil Wyślij e-mail  
 Tytuł: Re: [E39] Indywidualizacja samochodu za pomocą interfejsu ADS/NC
PostNapisane: 22 stycznia 2010, 14:27 
Pierwsze kroki

Wiek: 54
Posty: 21
Lokalizacja: Mendig(D) / Opole(PL)
Moje BMW: e39 525d 196KM CR
Kod silnika: m57d25
Jeszcze raz, ta ostatnia funkcja to chyba automatyczne skladanie lusterek przy wrzucie biegu wstecznego.
Wtedy lusterka zmieniaja polozenie ku dolowi, tak aby kierowca mogl widziec krawezniki lub biale linie na parkingu co ulatwia mu parkowanie.

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 Tytuł: Re: [E39] Indywidualizacja samochodu za pomocą interfejsu ADS/NC
PostNapisane: 22 stycznia 2010, 16:59 
Przyjaciel forum
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Wiek: 45
Posty: 7448
Lokalizacja: Toruń
Moje BMW: e39 530d
Kod silnika: M57D30
dziś kolejny dzień prób i udało się ustawić automatyczne włączanie świateł, funkcja TAGFAHRLICHT_ECE : Daylight Headlights, jeszcze tylko lusterka jakoś żeby się udało ustawić, wydaje mi się że to będzie kodowanie kluczyka a nie samochodu, ale to się okaże, no chyba że ktoś z Was ma wiedzę na ten temat to z chęcią skorzystam :).

Kupię deskę w skórze.

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